Dr. Ileana Apostol

Dr. Ile­a­na Apostol

ETH Zürich Depar­te­ment Architektur
Cam­pus ETH Hönggerberg
HIL E 61.2
Ste­fa­no-Fran­sci­ni-Platz 5
CH-8093 Zürich
E. apostol@arch.ethz.ch
W. www.nethood.org/ileana

Ile­a­na Apos­tol is a rese­ar­cher of spa­ti­al pro­duc­tion in the infor­ma­ti­on age, a lec­tu­rer in urban socio­lo­gy at ETH Zurich, and co-foun­der of Zurich-based NetHood asso­cia­ti­on. By clai­ming the right to the hybrid city, she enga­ges with neigh­bor­hood action groups and with inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry rese­arch teams that explo­re ways of living sus­tain­ab­ly in the city. Pre­vious­ly Ile­a­na has taught urban plan­ning and design in Los Ange­les at Cali­for­nia Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­si­ty and Uni­ver­si­ty of Sou­thern Cali­for­nia, and in Bucha­rest at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Archi­tec­tu­re and Urbanism.

At pre­sent Ile­a­na under­ta­kes urban rese­arch infor­med by a las­ting inte­rest in the ever­y­day life within the hybrid realm of con­tem­po­ra­ry cities; trai­ned in spa­ti­al plan­ning (PhD Uni­ver­si­ty of Sou­thern Cali­for­nia, Los Ange­les, MSc Uni­ver­si­ty of Stutt­gart, MU UAUIM Bucha­rest), urban design and archi­tec­tu­re (BArch UAUIM Bucha­rest, ENSA Paris-Bel­le­ville). Sin­ce she com­ple­ted the doc­to­ral stu­dies in plan­ning at USC Los Ange­les with the dis­ser­ta­ti­on “The Pro­duc­tion of Public Spaces: Design Dialec­tics and Pedago­gy.” Ile­a­na has been coope­ra­ting with Panayo­tis Anto­nia­dis on a pro­ject that they named NetHood –net­works over the neigh­bor­hood– which in 2015 they foun­ded tog­e­ther with Jens Mar­tigno­ni, as a non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on pro­vi­ding the insti­tu­tio­nal frame­work for their pro­fes­sio­nal acti­vi­ties. Some of the rese­arch topics dear to her heart are the lived space shaped by artis­tic inter­pre­ta­ti­ons, in which memo­ries and emo­tio­nal asso­cia­ti­ons play cri­ti­cal roles; rhythm­ana­ly­ses as a man­ner to inter­pret the per­cei­ved rea­li­ty while rein­sta­ting the sen­si­ble in con­tem­po­ra­ry thought; explo­ring ways through which life in com­mon may mani­fest in space; and the expres­si­on of its diver­si­ty by pro­vi­ding peo­p­le the right to the city, in par­ti­cu­lar for the right to difference.

Cur­rent Projects