Urban Profiles and representations

spring semester 2014

The­me of the rese­arch cour­se are urban pro­files and repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of urban qua­li­ties. The new­ly deve­lo­ped instru­ment cal­led urban pro­fi­le enables to out­line links bet­ween urban qua­li­ties and aspects of urban deve­lo­p­ment as well as socio-spa­ti­al aspects. Within the cour­se this instru­ment will be tes­ted and appli­ed to various loca­ti­ons in Zurich.

Febru­ary 21st, 2014 / Fri­days, 12:45–14:30 Uhr / HIL D 60.1 / ETH Hönggerberg

Cont­act: Rahel Nüss­liCaro­li­ne Ting