Space, Difference, Everyday life

In the past fif­teen years, Hen­ri Lefebvre’s repu­ta­ti­on has cata­pul­ted into the stra­to­sphe­re, and he is now con­side­red an equal to some of the gre­ats of Euro­pean social theo­ry (Bour­dieu, Deleu­ze, Har­vey). In par­ti­cu­lar, his work has revi­ta­li­zed urban stu­dies, geo­gra­phy and plan­ning via con­cepts like; the social pro­duc­tion of space, the right to the city, ever­y­day life, and glo­bal urba­niza­ti­on. Lefebvre’s mas­si­ve body of work has gene­ra­ted two main schools of thought: one that is poli­ti­cal eco­no­mic, and ano­ther that is more cul­tu­ral­ly ori­en­ted and post­s­truc­tu­ra­list in tone. Space, Dif­fe­rence, and Ever­y­day Life mer­ges the­se two schools of thought into a uni­fied Lefeb­vri­an approach to con­tem­po­ra­ry urban issues and the natu­re of our spa­tia­li­zed social structures.

Chris­ti­an Schmid: Stadt, Raum und Gesell­schaft:
Hen­ri Lefeb­v­re und die Theo­rie der Pro­duk­ti­on des Rau­mes,
2. Aufl., Stutt­gart : Franz Stei­ner, 2010
344 S., 2 s/w Abb.
ISBN 978–3‑515–09691‑1

Fur­ther Infor­ma­ti­on and Purchase