Bureau Savamala Belgrade

Sava­ma­la, a once tra­di­tio­nal dis­trict of Bel­gra­de that had fal­len into negle­ct sin­ce the 1950s, has been expe­ri­en­cing rapid chan­ges in recent years. Owing to its loca­ti­on clo­se to the city cen­ter, on the bank of the Sava, it has beco­me attrac­ti­ve for tho­se within Bel­gra­de crea­ti­ve and gas­tro­no­mic cir­cles, as well as for glo­bal inves­tors.
This stu­dy by the Bureau Sava­ma­la rese­arch team docu­ments not only the mate­ri­al and socio-eco­no­mic chan­ges in Sava­ma­la, but also chan­ges in local per­cep­ti­ons. Local archi­tects, artists, and cul­tu­ral figu­res pre­sent pro­jects that were car­ri­ed out in 2013 as part of Urban Incu­ba­tor Bel­gra­de and were desi­gned to con­tri­bu­te to the rege­ne­ra­ti­on of Sava­ma­la, avo­i­ding the nega­ti­ve con­se­quen­ces of gen­tri­fi­ca­ti­on. The expe­ri­ence of Sava­ma­la cle­ar­ly shows to what ext­ent upgrading is pos­si­ble and wort­hwhile. It also shows what its limits are and how cul­tu­re, design, and art can initia­te and gui­de the­se processes.

Jür­gen Kru­sche und Phil­ipp Klaus (Hgg.): Bureau Sava­ma­la Bel­gra­de: Urban Rese­arch and Prac­ti­ce in a Fast-chan­ging Neigh­bor­hood. jovis Ver­lag. Ber­lin, 2015.

Fur­ther Infor­ma­ti­on and Purchase