Lindsay Howe Nearly twenty years after apartheid, Johannesburg’s urban constellations continue to reflect its history of spatial segregation and exemplify socio-spatial inequality. Despite the relative wealth of the city and scope of its administration,...
Tammy Wong Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Dongguan are selected in the present research to understand the urbanization processes in Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. These three cities have experienced their own urbanization trajectory and dramatic changes in the past decades....
Rahel Nüssli Rahel Nüsslis Dissertation untersucht Transformations- und Stadtentwicklungsprozesse in der Metropolitanregion Zürich. Sie fragt, von welchen politischen Prozessen die urbanen Transformationen getrieben werden und wie diese ausgestaltet sind....
Anne Kockelkorn This research project investigates the juncture between architectural production and society and questions its effect on architectural discourse, design, and practice. In doing so, it offers a case study of Ricardo Bofill’s residential complex...
Pascal Kallenberger This doctoral research aims to achieve two specific tasks: First it intends to describe the contemporary urban condition of Kolkata — the least researched Indian mega-city -, on an overarching level, by applying a specifically designed analytical...
Monika Streule The research is based on two main interests: on the one hand my focus lies on the understanding of the main urbanization processes which shaped the urban mega region of Mexico City in a historical as well as in a contemporary perspective. On the other...