Bureau Savamala Belgrade

Savamala, a once traditional district of Belgrade that had fallen into neglect since the 1950s, has been experiencing rapid changes in recent years. Owing to its location close to the city center, on the bank of the Sava, it has become attractive for those within...

Implosions / Explosions: Towards a Study of Planetary Urbanization.

 In 1970, Henri Lefebvre put forward the radical hypothesis of the complete urbanization of society, a circumstance that in his view required a radical shift from the analysis of urban form to the investigation of urbanization processes. Drawing together classic...

Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture

When Hen­ri Lef­eb­v­re publis­hed The Urban Revo­lu­ti­on in 1970, he sket­ched a rese­arch iti­nera­ry on the emer­ging ten­den­cy towards pla­ne­ta­ry urba­niz­a­ti­on. Today, when this ten­den­cy has beco­me rea­li­ty, Lefebvre’s ide­as on ever­y­day life,...


Marc Angst, Phil­ipp Klaus, Tabea Michae­lis, Ros­ma­rie Mül­ler, Ste­phan Mül­ler, Richard Wolff (Hrsg.)(2010): zone*imaginaire — Zwi­schen­nut­zun­gen in Indus­trie­area­len. Zürich,...

Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre

In the past fif­teen years, Hen­ri Lefebvre’s repu­ta­ti­on has cata­pul­ted into the stra­to­s­phe­re, and he is now con­si­de­red an equal to some of the gre­ats of Euro­pean social theo­ry (Bour­dieu, Deleu­ze, Har­vey). In par­ti­cu­lar, his work has...