Topographies of Urbanity

fall semester 2010

A deter­mi­ning qua­li­ty of the urban is the simul­tan­ei­ty of the diver­se, the for­ma­ti­on and over­lap­ping of dif­fe­ren­ces and the con­junc­tion of diver­se ways of life. Every urban situa­ti­on con­sists of a uni­que mor­pho­lo­gy with spe­ci­fic rhyth­ms. The rese­arch semi­nar Topo­gra­phies of Urba­ni­ty con­sti­tu­tes the first part of a sequence of four semes­ters, of which results will be incor­po­ra­ted in the rese­arch pro­ject on the topic of Urban Poten­ti­als and Stra­te­gies in Metro­po­li­tan Ter­ri­to­ries. Within the semi­nar we will uti­li­ze map­ping and obser­va­ti­on as methods to explo­re the diver­se forms of urba­ni­ty in three dif­fe­rent are­as of the Zurich regi­on (Lim­mat­platz-Wie­di­kon, Oer­li­kon-Zurich Air­port, Rich­ters­wil-Frei­en­bach). The objec­ti­ve of the semi­nar is to deve­lop and ela­bo­ra­te the dif­fe­rent topo­gra­phies of urbanity.

Kon­takt: Chris­ti­an SchmidVere­na Polo­ni Esqui­viéCaro­li­ne Ting