Urbane Qualitäten

Within the frame­work of the natio­nal rese­arch pro­ject entit­led ‘NFP 65: New Urban Qua­li­ty’, the ‘Urban Poten­ti­al and Stra­te­gies in Metro­po­li­tan Ter­ri­to­ries’ pro­ject has deve­lo­ped a con­cept focus­sing on the pro­mo­ti­on of urban qua­li­ties in plan­ning and con­s­truc­tion pro­ces­ses. Based on empi­ri­cal case stu­dies in the metro­po­li­tan regi­on of Zurich, the rese­arch team has estab­lished a sel­ec­tion of rele­vant urban qua­li­ties in con­tem­po­ra­ry urban regi­ons: cen­tra­li­ty, diver­si­ty, inter­ac­tion, acces­si­bi­li­ty, adap­ta­bi­li­ty and appro­pria­ti­on. The manu­al pro­vi­des a func­tion­al set of instru­ments that faci­li­ta­te the stra­te­gic pro­mo­ti­on of the­se qua­li­ties. It is addres­sed to plan­ners, archi­tects, stu­dents and any­bo­dy who pre­fers impro­ved qua­li­ty over den­si­ty per hec­ta­re in the cur­rent urban plan­ning and spa­ti­al deve­lo­p­ment deba­te.
The estab­lished urban qua­li­ties ser­ve as a basis for the deve­lo­p­ment of pro­files of urban situa­tions. The ‘Urban Pro­fi­le’ – an instru­ment that inte­gra­tes the urban design and social sci­ence aspects of urban qua­li­ties – allows for ana­ly­sis and typi­fi­ca­ti­on of urban situa­tions, ther­eby faci­li­ta­ting com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in urban plan­ning and design pro­ces­ses and pro­mo­ting the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and loca­ti­on of urban defi­ci­ts and poten­ti­als. The manu­al was published by Hoch­pa­terre Ver­lag in late sum­mer 2016.

Publisher: Edi­ti­on Hoch­par­terre, Zurich, 2016
Aut­hors: Marc Angé­lil, Rebec­ca Born­hau­ser, Kees Chris­tia­an­se, Maik Höm­ke, Tho­mas Kiss­ling, Phil­ipp Klaus, Simon Kretz, Lukas Kueng, Vitto­rio Magna­go Lam­pug­na­ni, Gabrie­la Muri-Kol­ler, Rahel Nüss­li, Vere­na Polo­ni Esqui­vié, Chris­ti­an Schmid, Caro­li­ne Ting, Gün­ther Vogt

Kretz, Simon; Kueng, Lukas (Hrsg.): Urba­ne Qua­li­tä­ten: Ein Hand­buch am Bei­spiel der Metro­po­li­tan­re­gi­on Zürich. Edi­ti­on Hoch­par­terre. Zürich, 2016.
160 Sei­ten, rund 70 Bil­der und Plä­ne, mit Kopiervorlagen.

Fur­ther Infor­ma­ti­on and Purchase