Dr. Ileana Apostol — Current Projects


Scho­lar Archi­tect 2022 is a rese­arch pro­ject at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Archi­tec­tu­re and Urba­nism “Ion Min­cu” in Bucha­rest, Ile­a­na’s alma mater, that opens up the dia­lo­gue and coope­ra­ti­on with diver­se aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ments, on topics rela­ted to rese­arch and pedago­gy of the design pro­cess. The exch­an­ge was laun­ched with a tea­ching methods web­i­nar and a tan­dem online exhi­bi­ti­on of stu­dent pro­jects, which pro­po­se urban inter­ven­ti­ons embedded in the social space simi­lar to the Rese­arch Methods cour­se at D‑ARCH. Fol­low the online exhi­bi­ti­on by cli­cking on the pro­ject image.


L200 is a coll­ec­ti­ve initia­ti­ve around a shared urban space in Zurich, which a group of asso­cia­ti­ons pre­sent in the Kreis 5 neigh­bor­hood, inclu­ding NetHood, aim to trans­form it into a hybrid urban living lab mana­ged as a com­mons, respon­ding to seve­ral local needs such as a) to meet fel­low neigh­bors in a com­mon space, b) to pro­mo­te local shops, ate­liers and initia­ti­ves, c) to net­work peo­p­le, acti­vi­ties and places in both ana­lo­gue and digi­tal forms, and d) to faci­li­ta­te coll­ec­ti­ve lear­ning pro­ces­ses on various topics. From our per­spec­ti­ve at NetHood L200 is a spin-off of the MAZI and net­Com­mons pro­jects, reco­gni­zing the need of a per­ma­nent public, and cen­tral­ly loca­ted space that can host a wide varie­ty of par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry pro­ces­ses around tech­no­lo­gy, housing, coll­ec­ti­ve lear­ning, and more beco­ming in essence a refe­rence point and real-life test­bed for NetHood’s cur­rent and future projects.

PARLA (PAR­ti­ci­pa­to­ry LAbo­ra­to­ry) aims to net­work loca­li­ties and to bring in touch peo­p­le in pro­xi­mi­ty by orga­ni­zing events in neigh­bor­hood places that cata­ly­ze a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry pro­cess toward con­vi­via­li­ty. Geo­gra­phic loca­ti­ons today are part of the hybrid (phy­si­cal and digi­tal) space, and thus local net­wor­king means con­nec­ting places as well as peo­p­le through both means. The pur­po­se of the PARLA pro­ject is two­fold. In the long term such deli­be­ra­ti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry prac­ti­ces enable the for­ma­ti­on of local net­works, and initia­te also social lear­ning pro­ces­ses around neigh­bor­hood-rele­vant topics. At the same time, the pro­ject has a trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry rese­arch dimen­si­on that per­ta­ins to a phe­no­me­no­lo­gi­cal approach to hybrid (phy­si­cal and digi­tal) local net­works, con­side­ring socie­ty and tech­no­lo­gy (arti­fact and atti­tu­de that makes it meaningful) as being each other’s con­di­ti­on of pos­si­bi­li­ty to be. In com­mu­ni­ty net­works, this phe­no­me­no­lo­gi­cal take reve­als the con­sti­tu­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons that make local tech­no­lo­gies rele­vant and refers to a know-how that is the result of embo­di­ed, impro­vi­sa­tio­nal, rela­ti­onship-attu­ning practice.

Cul­tures 4 Resi­li­ence (C4R) aims to streng­then the action of a wide ran­ge of actors (citi­zens, pro­fes­sio­nals of the crea­ti­ve and cul­tu­ral sec­tor, public admi­nis­tra­ti­ons, local asso­cia­ti­ons) working on envi­ron­men­tal and urban resi­li­ence issues. It pro­po­ses a holi­stic approach to resi­li­ence using immersi­ve cul­tu­ral prac­ti­ces and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve tools as bridges to increase resi­li­ence, diver­si­fy modes of invol­vement in “ter­ri­to­ri­al empower­ment” and pro­mo­te capa­ci­ty buil­ding, crea­ti­vi­ty and edu­ca­ti­on in peri­phe­ral territories.