Territory. On the Development of Landscape and City.

To descri­be the space sur­roun­ding cities, pre­vious­ly con­side­red land­scape, the con­tri­bu­tors to this book use the term ter­ri­to­ry to deno­te both the sur­roun­dings that a city sub­su­mes into its own struc­tu­re and the core city its­elf, which is the cen­ter of this pro­cess of urba­niza­ti­on. Ter­ri­to­ry brings tog­e­ther the results of their rese­arch in six signi­fi­cant loca­ti­ons: the Nile Val­ley; Rome-Adria, Ita­ly; the Flo­ri­da hin­ter­lands; the Red River Del­ta in Viet­nam;  nor­t­hern Oman, and Belo Hori­zon­te and Minas Gerais in Bra­zil. And for each of the ter­ri­to­ries fea­tured in the book, they inves­ti­ga­te such key aspects of urba­niza­ti­on as water manage­ment, net­works and infra­struc­tu­re, agri­cul­tu­re, the role of mining and indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion, and settlements.

Edi­ted by ETH Stu­dio Basel, Con­tem­po­ra­ry City Insti­tu­te. With con­tri­bu­ti­ons by Roger Die­ner, Liisa Gun­n­ars­son, Mathi­as Gunz, Ves­na Jova­no­vić, Mar­cel Mei­li, Christan Mül­ler Inder­bit­zin, and Chris­ti­an Schmid

1st edi­ti­on, 2016
228 pages, 76 color and 31 b/w illustrations
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978–3‑03860–023‑7

Fur­ther Infor­ma­ti­on and Purchase