Urbanization processes: Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Dongguan

Tam­my Wong Hong Kong, Shen­zhen and Dong­gu­an are selec­ted in the pre­sent rese­arch to under­stand the urba­niz­a­ti­on pro­ces­ses in Pearl River Del­ta (PRD) regi­on. The­se three cities have expe­ri­en­ced their own urba­niz­a­ti­on tra­jec­to­ry and...

The Social Condenser – das letzte Grand Ensemble der Pariser Banlieue

Anne Kockel­korn Das For­schungs­pro­jekt unter­sucht die Schnitt­stel­len von Archi­tek­tur­pro­duk­ti­on und sozia­len Pro­zes­sen und hin­ter­fragt deren Ein­fluss auf den Dis­kurs, die Reprä­sen­ta­ti­on und die Pra­xis von Archi­tek­tur. Kon­kre­tes...

Howrah/Kolkata. A Study into Urbanisation Processes and Urban Poverty

Pas­cal Kallenberger This doc­to­ral rese­arch aims to achie­ve two spe­ci­fic tasks: First it intends to descri­be the con­tem­pora­ry urban con­di­ti­on of Kolk­a­ta — the least rese­ar­ched Indian mega-city -, on an over­ar­ching level, by app­ly­ing a...