Cour­se super­vi­sed by S. Guinand and C. Schmid

Urban space and rese­arch seen through the lens of the came­ra: Mas­ter stu­dents in Archi­tec­tu­re on their expe­ri­en­ces in Covid-19 virus time using pho­to­gra­phy as a means to con­ve­ne impres­si­ons and expe­ri­en­ces on this par­ti­cu­lar moment. 

As the Covid-19 hit Euro­pe last March 2020 and announce­ment of remo­te tea­ching took place at the ETH Zürich, the qua­li­ta­ti­ve methods cour­se (Socio­lo­gy – Memo­ries of Zürich West) nee­ded a com­ple­te ref­raming. With stu­dents abroad, others back to their own towns, focus on the Covid-19 beca­me the sub­ject of inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Kee­ping the course’s the­mes of memo­ries and space in the back­ground, stu­dents were asked to explo­re the impact of the Covid-19 on their dai­ly-life and sur­roun­dings. The­se short pho­to-eth­no­gra­phic accounts are pre­sen­ted here.

 Imploded City




Cour­se super­vi­sed by S. Guinand and C. Schmid

Urban space and rese­arch seen through the lens of the came­ra: Mas­ter stu­dents in Archi­tec­tu­re on their expe­ri­en­ces in Covid-19 virus time using pho­to­gra­phy as a means to con­ve­ne impres­si­ons and expe­ri­en­ces on this par­ti­cu­lar moment. 

As the Covid-19 hit Euro­pe last March 2020 and announce­ment of remo­te tea­ching took place at the ETH Zürich, the qua­li­ta­ti­ve methods cour­se (Socio­lo­gy – Memo­ries of Zürich West) nee­ded a com­ple­te ref­raming. With stu­dents abroad, others back to their own towns, focus on the Covid-19 beca­me the sub­ject of inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Kee­ping the course’s the­mes of memo­ries and space in the back­ground, stu­dents were asked to explo­re the impact of the Covid-19 on their dai­ly-life and sur­roun­dings. The­se short pho­to-eth­no­gra­phic accounts are pre­sen­ted here.

 Imploded City




Cour­se super­vi­sed by S. Guinand and C. Schmid

Urban space and rese­arch seen through the lens of the came­ra: Mas­ter stu­dents in Archi­tec­tu­re on their expe­ri­en­ces in Covid-19 virus time using pho­to­gra­phy as a means to con­ve­ne impres­si­ons and expe­ri­en­ces on this par­ti­cu­lar moment. 

As the Covid-19 hit Euro­pe last March 2020 and announce­ment of remo­te tea­ching took place at the ETH Zürich, the qua­li­ta­ti­ve methods cour­se (Socio­lo­gy – Memo­ries of Zürich West) nee­ded a com­ple­te ref­raming. With stu­dents abroad, others back to their own towns, focus on the Covid-19 beca­me the sub­ject of inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Kee­ping the course’s the­mes of memo­ries and space in the back­ground, stu­dents were asked to explo­re the impact of the Covid-19 on their dai­ly-life and sur­roun­dings. The­se short pho­to-eth­no­gra­phic accounts are pre­sen­ted here.

 Imploded City